"Economic Development and the Biological Standard of Living in Brazil, 1830-1960" por Franken

Os alemães devem ter uma palavra para expressar a sensação de alívio quando você descobre que alguém fez o paper que você se sentia obrigado a fazer e - ainda por cima- fez bem melhor do que você seria capaz. Foi isso o que eu senti, quando soube do texto:
I utilize anthropometric evidence to estimate secular and regional trends in the biological standard of living in Brazil from 1830 to 1960. I utilize two new sources of height data—military records (that capture typical Brazilian males) and passport records (that represent elite Brazilians). I find substantial improvements in the biological standard of living of the middle and lower classes during the period of rapid export-led industrial growth (1870-1913), yet no significant increase for the elite. Furthermore, soldiers from the North and Northeast were consistently shorter than those from the South and Southwest, irrespective of time period. I present preliminary evidence on the climatic variables that underpinned such persistent regional inequity. Rainfall intensity and the absolute temperature range are both economically and statistically significant. The final section concludes the paper and details plans for additional research. (Grifos meus)
(No Abstract, ficou esquisita a expressão "rapid export-led industrial growth". Ficou parecendo que ele acha que as exportações eram industriais. No texto fica claro que não é isso.)

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