Economia Urbana Austríaca

Um belo post sobre a abordagem austríaca do (não)planejamento urbano;
"Critics of free market urban development may argue that this system (:free market) will produce less-than-perfect cities, so city planners should step in to make improvements. The Austrian response is that of course the free market cannot produce utopian cities, but no other system could do better. Believing that a regulated city would be superior to the market outcome is succumbing to the Nirvana fallacy. Markets aren’t perfect, but they’re the best we’ve got."
Não dá para levar as conclusões dos austríacos até o fim, mas muitos pontos são relevantes. A propósito, o livro magistral da Jane "austríaca-sem-saber" Jacobs "The Death and Life of Great American Ciites" completou 50 anos em 2011.
Atualização: consertei o link. (Grato ao anônimo que me avisou)

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